FSE Listings: Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Shells for Sale
Frankfurt Stock Exchange Shells for Sale FSE Listings and FrankfurtShell.com are the leading source for custom built Frankfurt Shells with no financial history or debts that could affect your business. We do not sell second hand shell companies, on occasion we will deal with reputable vendors within the industry. All of our Frankfurt public shells include: – 500,000 euro paid in capital – 10 cents par value – Equity lines of Credit and Financing optional (depends on your assets) – 100% clean – Trading with symbol – Good Market Maker relationship – Complete and Deliverable – No debts with the market maker – Optional Prospectus or IM available – All legal and reverse merger costs – Process overseen by licensed European Financial Advisor (FSE, AIM, Plus, Euronext, DAX) FSE Listings specialization is working with non-German companies from anywhere in the world seeking a Frankfurt Listing and capital for their company through a publicly traded company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. We guarantee a simple merger process that will take less than 2 weeks, complete and delivered with trading and financing set-up for the company. What is important about FSE Listings shells? When we deliver the shares, it comes with strong market market relationships, we do not keep a percentage of the company, and you get a financing agreement to assist to bring capital to your firm. Why are our competitors shells not good? Most competitors sell dirty shells, which means they have shares in the float either held by them or a third party which gets sold to your market maker, and when this happens your market maker delists the shell you purchased. This is very bad. In addition, there are various outfits from Switzerland, Australia, the US, and Canada that sell Canadian listed shells and Swiss Company shells which require reporting in their jurisdiction or simply cannot bring their shares to trade. Often the Canadian listed shell companies traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange are built by people with NO REAL LAW experience but they call themselves merger law lawyers and associates regardless of their lack of experience. In addition, Canadian shell companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange have a very bad reputation, probably the worst in Germany for not having companies with legitimate assets in it. To be listed as a Canadian Shell in Frankfurt immediately means to investors and regulators that your firm is not fit for investment. You will find that immediate scrutiny of your firm comes from being a Canadian listed firm. In addition, you do need to take on the cost of reporting in Canada under SEDAR as well as the market maker costs internationally. We don’t build Canadian companies due to their bad reputation and structure, contact us to find out what the ideal structure is for you in Europe and how to best build firms that investors will take serious! Contact info@fselistings.com now! Please Choose Your Location: Canada – Looking to list on the Frankfurt Exchange United States – Looking for a Frankfurt Listing United Kingdom – Looking to raise capital and list on Frankfurt South Africa – Looking to go public on Frankfurt Australia – Looking for public shell, equity line, and financing on Frankfurt Asia – Looking to build a WOFI and List on the Frankfurt Exchange India – Looking to build a DFI vehicle and list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Brasil/Brazil – Looking to list mining assets and technology companies on Frankfurt South America – Looking to list agricultural projects, mining, energy, and technology Central America – Looking to list financial services, energy, and technology with FSE Listings Africa – Agriculture Financing, Mining Financing, Power Plant Financing, by going public with FSE Listings Fast financing and Frankfurt stock exchange listings with FSE Listings!